So today I thought I would share some highly embarrassing/learned the hard way advice with a little background. Ever since I can remember, I have had a problem with fluctuating weight. On one of my parent's side, there seems to ALWAYS be an emphasis on weight, the new diet, exercising tips, and being in shape. Almost to the point where it's exhausting. All of my family pretty much looks like super models... and then there's me. Talk about rough.
When I was in high school and the beginning years of college, my weight would always sky rocket, then come down, then shoot back up again. It was embarrassing but was inevitable. I would eat like every meal was my last and count going to the mailbox as exercise.
Needless to say, I was developing extremely horrible habits. I began to notice that I was always moody, never had energy, and had a poor self image. I would try diet pills, meal plans like nutrisystem, and at one point would go to the gym for 2-3 hours every day.
The low point:

I came home for the holidays and my mom told me she almost didn't recognize me. This is when I started nurtrisystem, hydroxy cut, and endless workouts - all at different times. Nothing seemed to really stick. I was miserable. I began eating like crap while simultaneously working out. Every week was up and down.
The Turning Point:

See my uncle/Big Brother right above? Ya... Super model. I came home my junior year to complete an internship after I had finished my second season knocking door to door selling pest control. That summer my diet consisted of Jack-in-the-Box. Seriously... That's all I ate. I couldn't even button my jeans, I was forced to pull them up and tuck in the tabs hoping no one would notice. I felt puffy all the time and greasy. Now please mind that I am 5'1 and have a petite frame - so any weight I gain is extremely noticeable.
Problem areas: Face, stomach, thighs, upper-arms
With the help of my Aunt Peggy, I was able to start making significant lifestyle changes. Diet is nothing without moderate exercise. And most importantly, exercise is NOTHING without diet. I began finding that it was EXTREMELY easy to eat healthy, even while going out. Here are just a few tips that I adjusted to that made all the difference in the world:
-GRILLED everything. You can even eat a grilled chicken fillet by itself from McDonald's even.
-Vegetables and Fruits - these are essential
- No bananas and other fruits that are high in sugar.
-Mrs.Dash marinade, dipping sauce and seasoning. Make sure to get the NO Sodium, No sugar.
-No dipping sauce or dressings other than above. This is crucial. There is so much sugar and salt in dippings.
-I LOVED salads with lettuce, grilled chicken, cucumbers, tomatoes, and onions. Seriously, without the dressing I could taste each food item more. These are so easy to order anywhere
-Almonds as snacks instead of potato chips
-limit carb intake - all whole grains and no simple grains.
I began going to the gym 3 times a week. I would do 45 minutes of some type of cardio (run, treadmill, elliptical, stair master) and then 40-60 minutes of weights. I made sure to always try new machines (even when I had no absolute clue how they would work) and switch up my routine so I wouldn't get bored or comfortable.

If I slip up, its not the end of the world. I just make sure that I wont go into the depths after a few mess ups. Today I feel extremely comfortable with my body and weight. I still have areas that definitely need to be worked on and toned... but I feel good about how I feel, not just how I look.
So during this holiday season, It's important to remember to not just fall off the bandwagon because it's holiday time. Continue to develop good habits and actually commit to them.
Parting Advice:

It's not about being skinny. It's about being healthy
I love that last line. Strong and healthy is sexy!
P.S. You look amazing.
this is so inspirational girl! i just adored reading this from start to finish and seeing the transformation of yourself, not only on the outside but on the inside as well. i've never been overweight but being a shorty myself if i can any weight at all it is definitely significant (or at least that is what i see). i had NO idea bananas were high in sugar. i eat those all the time. cutting them out immediately! ha
but this definitely inspired me to start going to the gym more. working from home definitely limits your exercise intake, that is for sure!
xo TJ
wow, your looking great! i lost a total of 73 pounds ;-)
keep up the good work
Thanks for your inspiration! I know what you mean about being short. Every pound counts! Limiting carbs and portion control is key for me. Happy Friday!
--Kylee Noelle
i was just talking to a friend about this today. you are an inspiration, seriously. way to go!
what a great story (and great tips) ..thanks for sharing. i love the emphasis you put on being healthy because while being the skinniest isn't important it IS important to be healthy :)
if you have a second, today we're taking a stand against AIDS on my blog, by joining the ONE campaign. its quick and actually kinda fun and I would love for you to check it out :)
love your newest follower,
college is a rough time on girls and weight . . . end of story.
i always felt {and still do} like the ugly duckling in my family- my sister is 5'10" and built like a super model with great style and i had acne, was short with big hips. i had a boyfriend tell me that if i did my makeup like my sister, i'd be hot. WHAT? yeah, that relationship didn't last. my younger brother is over 6 feet, smart and handsome. gah!
somewhere along the way after college, i became a vegetarian and stopped worrying so much about what i look like {on some days, that is . . .every day is different} and more about how i feel. now that i use what my body is telling me as a guide, i'm happier and healthier. and i think prettier too ;)
What amazing advice! Thank you for being honest. I'm sure many a girl (including me!) will love and use your advice. I love your last bit about how it's about being healthy, not skinny. Thank you!
P.S. I'm hosing my first giveaway if you want to check it out.
go u! and congrats on your weight loss!
you're gorgeous! love this story. so inspirational. thanks for sharing:)
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this post!!! You're exactly's not about being skinny, it's about being healthy!
So glad you figured out the healthy way to lose weight. You look FAB!!!
You're gorgeous. :) Thanks for stopping by & saying hey today!!
You look fabulous!! Good motivational post. :)
Fabulous post Linds! Thanks for sharing.
This is AWESOME! I am so happy for you. You honestly look soooo GREAT, as if you haven't forever :) I miss our talks! I need adviceeee on this exact subject, Hawaii life has made me LAZYYYY! I will be texting you soon! Hope all is great. Your blog is hopping!
Thank you. This is a wonderful post and something I definitely need to remember. :) The transformation is amazing and you look fabulous! :)
you are amazing and you look beautiful, inside and out. i've always thought that about you!
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