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Monday, September 19, 2011


So this weekend was pretty much a blast- I am still suffering from sleep deprivation. I got to go out with some of my favorite people on Friday, go on a long motorcycle ride on Saturday- enjoying the perfect fall weather, go to a friends concert and be with another bunch of favorite people, and eat tons and tons of pasta and lasagna at my ward's linger longer.
*Side note, still recovering from how much I ate.

So I must admit I am IN LOVE with this Fall weather. Also... one thing that still holds true as it did when I was living in Rexburg... I LOVE motorcycles. Kind of have a love for all things adrenaline... You can see by watching two videos here and here.
Lucky for me though my legs are too short to even try owning one of these. So when Saturday came with its' perfect Fall weather and cloudless skies, I had to take advantage of it. This is Kevo's new baby. Let's just say... It's freakin fun.

*The only downside... My butt and thighs are so SORE from the full afternoon ride. See image below for jealousy.

Then the afternoon was followed by a LONG evening...of awesomeness. Minus making sure everyone got home safe by loving my DD duties- My friend Kyle had a show at "The Earl" in Atlanta and he never disappoints. It was an awesome show- Vonnegut did awesome and it made for a memorable night. They're style of music is refreshingly different. They have worked incredibly hard to get to where they are.

Find Kyle and Vonnegutt and LIKE them on Facebook found here and here. My favorites are "Follow Us" & "Ex-Girlfriends are Stupid". Check out their main page Here
- some material explicit

Enjoy and Leave me some COMMENT Love!

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