January started off with a full on "Snowcation" where everything, EVERYTHING was shutdown in Atlanta. Just think, Population of Atlanta and its greater area - 15 million. Number of snowplows: 6. Yah...

February: Moved into my first apartment

March: Ran a race to support Breast Cancer in honor of my best friends mom who is a survivor

April: Celebrated a very happy Easter with some special ones

May: Went to Miami to celebrate my best friend's birthday

Late May: Went to my baby sister's PROM! Weird but awesome

July: Went to a good friend's wedding. Heck-a fun

August: My BIRTHDAY!

October: The best holiday ever - Halloween!

November: Went on crutches from a dislocated knee

December: Got my first Christmas Tree!

And there you have it! My year in review. Don't forget to let me know if you want to do a sponsor swap for the month of January!
Looks like such an awesome year other than the dislocated knee. The snow in your snow day picture is just so pretty! I wish in Texas we would see snow more often!
great year you have had ;-)
amazing photos
Oh man I can feel your pain with those knee cap pictures! That's happened to me several times over the years of soccer and basketball..I finally had to have surgery to put some screws in there! Now I am a walking barometer and I can tell when it's going to rain before it happens. Hope there's no more crutches in your future!
Boo dislocated knees :( Yay everything else :) Great post!
If you have 30 seconds, I'd love for you to link up with my Year in Review linky party I'm hosting on my blog.
Thanks girl! Here's to an awesome 2012 :)
What a fun way to recap your year! And those dislocated knee picture are crazy!!! Ouch!!!
p.s. I'd love to do a button swap for the month of January.
Looks like you had a pretty awesome year! Hope 2012 is just as awesome.
Happy New Year! 2012 is going to be awesome, can't wait to follow you through it.
Looks like you had a great year (except for the dislocated knee). Just found your blog through Breanna and am so glad that I did! I'm your newest follower and can't wait to read more!
If you get a chance, I'd love for you to stop by: http://lanachristine.blogspot.com
ooo! your apartment is super adorable. loove the blue walls!
New follower! :)
Cute blog!
oooh, i love your living room wall color! what's the paint color?? :)
i would love to swap buttons for january! transitionismymiddlename@gmail.com :)
Lindsay!! Your apartment is GORGEOUS! Why have you not posted more pictures!?!?
I saw your button on Life & Times of the Intelligent Blonde and had to come check out your blog! I am so glad I did, keep up the good work!
looks like you had a great year - minus the kneecap thing - yowza! heres to another great year!
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