So a little know fact... My "Little" Sister, Rachel, is going to be a star one day. Ok, maybe not because she really wants to be a teacher but she definitely could be! She is by far the most naturally talented singer/actress. I love going to all of her productions, concerts, plays... It makes me proud to be her big sister!
Rachel just got done with her last performance, "Pride & Prejudice". Wow. Talk about some hard lines to remember let alone verbalize. She played the role of Mrs. Bennett - Mother of all those crazy women. She was definitely the comedic relief of the play and made the experience that much better -
Side note, She definitely got the loudest and largest applause at the end... as always.... She also had her Chorus Cabaret a few months back where she performed with one of her good friends.. As always... it was the best.
So here are some pics so you can see how awesome she is - O and this is incentive for me to invest in a good camera...
Again, your blog made me reminisce. I love it. (I used to do plays and now my niece who is 14 is so avid and so talented) I love going to plays.
I am going to follow you dear new blogger friend. Do you have a button?
Hey! Thanks for the comments and stoppin by! And thanks for the follow. I must admit I just hopped on over to your blog and got a little excited. I LOVE your page! So yes, lets please be blog friends. I don't have button yet but it's in the works!
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