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Monday, October 15, 2012

Stay Classy San Diego

Oh to be young and pretend you have a life outside of all the grown-up things we really have to endure. Lately grown-up lane has SuCked.... Bills, bills,bills are really taking a toll on my my whole "live free and Young" thing I'm trying to have.
But outside the purview of work and bills, I have had some little enjoyable moments. This weekend, for instance, was quite lovely.... Well outside of getting into a carwreck on Friday that is.... Side note... Got rear-ended on the highway on my way to work by Mrs. Pine-sol who instantly began blaming other drivers and cried to the police officer while clutching her neck... awesome.... but everyone's okay, car is driveable, and neck braces are the total hott accessory item right now for fall.

Moving on... I did get to spend the weekend with some of the best of friends and Mr. Manly (the boyfriend... and yes... that is his last name) and his amazingly hilarious sister. We went out for a night on the town in downtown Roswell. For any of you who are in GA, downtown Roswell is becoming an AMAZING place to eat and enjoy the night. The weekend was then followed by fall festivals galore and some much needed relaxing. Enjoy the pictures friends!

Until Tomorrow....


Oh and don't forget.... Stay Class San Diego....



J and A said...

You look so happy!! Love this. Looks like a ton of fun! :)

Jena Roach said...

I'm so sorry about the accident. That lady sounds crazy. (I can totally picture the PineSol gal though.)

At least you look cute in your new fall accessory ;)

Brittany said...

Bummer about the accident :( no fun. That is seriously his last name? That is so awesome! I love it

Gentri said...

aaaaaaaw, I'm so sorry about the accident!! :( But I'm glad you're ok! You still look gorgeous as ever! And is that REALLY his last name?

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