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Monday, July 12, 2010

My pursuit

Many people pursue their lives in search of happiness. The ones who truly have it are the ones who make their own happiness.

So i had to take at least 5 minutes out of my day to just write... I'm going crazy and this seems to always calm me down.

Last week... Well it just sucked lets say that. I'm trying to be in better spirits this week, stay busy, focus on school, be optimistic as to the turn out of things, and go with the flow. I don't know whats going to happen with things.

Nothing is Definite. Nothing is Certain. That's at least one thing I have learned. I just want to be happy and for those I love to be happy. I genuinely do. And in the end I hope that I have a big part in making them happy and visa versa. There is so much to live for and so many GOOD things in life! Second and Third chances can work out. I have found that one of two things can happen, either nothing will change and things will go back, or a Huge change can take place offering whole, new incredible experiences made up of just being better and an overall better life.
I hope for the latter. Won't settle for the first.

So no plans are ever definite. I love family, I love friends, I love Love. I have come to accept that there will ALWAYS be something that's wrong in life and that it's hard whether its money (lack there of), family, work, or just life! But in that always be your best self and be happy. Live your day, love always, and just work at being happy.

Many people pursue their lives in search of happiness. The ones who truly have it are the ones who make their own happiness.

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